ilox is a free (and friendly) stock tracking community

by @nehalist

Join Discord

All stock changes are simultaneously announced on Twitter and Discord!

Hello there!

With the release of the RTX 3000 series many people started using bots to gain an unfair advantage in getting one of the insanely limited stock. Those bots are faster, don't rely on human interaction in order to get what they want and often times even completed the entire checkout process for their users, making it nearly impossible for non-bot users to even purchase one of those shiny, new GPUs, consoles, etc..

ilox (i love X) was started to help people by providing tools that are free and available for everyone without technical knowledge. With thousands of Discord members who try to help each other in notifying about stock changes and the help of automated tracking bots (which are kept as lightweight as possible towards shop servers by having low polling frequencies and not trying to hack around implemented shop securities like captchas, etc.) we've helped countless people in getting a new console, new graphic cards and more.

We are strictly against systematic buying / selling, selling far over MSRP or, in short, scalping and instead try to equalize chances for everyone at fair prices. This scarcity is partially due to people who just want to make a quick buck at the expense of people who just want to enjoy new games or better hardware for their work - and, lets be honest here, that's a pretty shitty thing to do.

Frequently asked Questions
Before being confused, yelling at me or even wishing me not getting a new GPU please read the FAQ.
How to use this
Does the bot buy any products?
Which shops and products are currently being crawled?
Why are there no price limits?
How was this made?
Why is the Twitter bot faster than the Discord bot (or vice versa)?
The bot missed stock availability - why?
Why are some links posted by the bot marked with [A]?
What's the ilox utility script and where to find it?


If you like this project and want to support it* feel free to buy me a Spritzer!

* = server expenses, proxy expenses, maintenance, ...
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