September 22, 2020

Version 0.2.0 Released

During the last night the bot sent its first tweet:

EVGA Shop: Stock changed from “Out of Stock” to "".

Yep, it went from “Out of Stock” to nothing. While technically correct (see here) it’s still a bit weird - but the bot did what it’s supposed to do: it updated on a stock change. Wohoo!

Today I’ve released a new version of the bot, 0.2.0, which includes some new shops, bug fixes, improvements and more.


  • Added crawlers for, and

    • The crawler checks all products on the GeForce RTX 30 Series page
    • The crawler checks all products on the GeForce RTX 30 Series page
    • The checks the US store for the founders edition
    • Links posted by the bot for Amazon are affiliate links and are marked with [A] in tweets.
    • The bot now also tracks the Playstation 5 on Amazon.
  • Added 3090 GPU tracking for Caseking.
  • Added a very basic contribution guide
  • Improvements:

    • The Caseking, EVGA and crawlers no longer crawl individual products and now use product overview pages instead. This drastically lowers the amount of requests to these servers.
  • Bug fixes:

    • A stock change to "" should no longer happen. In case there’s an issue in updating the stock it’s now simply called “unknown”.

Next shops

I’ve tried to compile a list of all requested shops. Since most shops I personally need are already implemented I don’t want to prioritize on which shop to implement next - hence I’ve created a poll where you can simply vote. The poll is up for three days :)

This gives me some days before implementing new shops since I need some time for migrating to another hosting solution (probably AWS?). My personal server is still very unhappy with me running a crawler - and the more shops I add the worse it gets.

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